Educational staff

Associate Professor of Human Resource Management

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Irene Nikandrou is Associate Professor of Human Resource Management (HRM) at the Department of Marketing & Communication of the Athens University of Economics & Business (AUEB). Since January 2018, she is the scientific coordinator of the Career Office of the University. She has a wide teaching experience both in the academic field and in business, where she teaches Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Positive Organizational Scholarship and Training and Development at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She is a member of CRANET project team in Greece and GNOSIS 2020 network. She has done extensive research in the field of HRM and OB and her current research interests focus on the fields of positive organizational scholarship, art-based learning and career management. Her work has been published in leading journals like The International Journal of HRM, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Management Decision, Personnel Review, Human Resource Management Journal, Human Resource Development International. Parallel to her research activities she has worked as management consultant in numerous HRM projects.

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